Stomach Botox

stomach botox

In this article What is Stomach Botox?, How is Stomach Botox done?We will talk about the answers to questions such as , what are its advantages? In recent years, especially with the influence of developing technology, less use of physical strength and the accompanying sedentary lifestyle are among the main factors that cause obesity to increase. Increased fast food consumption, unhealthy diet, genetic factors, hormonal reasons... Whatever the reason, if obese people cannot lose weight despite all their efforts, they can apply for obesity surgery and decide together with their doctor on the most suitable method for themselves. Among the methods that patients can choose, the addition of Stomach Botox, which has been widely used in the last twenty years, is a good alternative for people who do not want a surgical operation.

What is Stomach Botox?

Stomach Botox It is an endoscopic application. The substance called botulinum toxin is injected into the stomach using the endoscopic method. The frequency of contraction of the stomach muscles decreases and thus gastric emptying time is delayed. It helps the patient lose weight by starting loss of appetite.

When B0t0ks is mentioned, many people think of aesthetic methods. In its widespread use in aesthetics, the substance injected into the skin is intended to reduce aging. This method was developed and later started to be applied to the stomach.

Who Can Get Stomach Botox?

Since Stomach Botox is not a surgical procedure, it can be applied to many people who want to lose weight. Stomach Botox may be preferred for patients who cannot lose weight due to genetic factors, hormonal and other health problems. Although this procedure is not a surgical operation, it is important that the patient has tried to lose weight with diet and exercise beforehand. If the desired result is not achieved and people who are 10-20 kilos overweight can apply for this application.

Stomach Botox It is not suitable for patients with severe obesity. In other words, it is very difficult to achieve successful results in individuals with a body mass index of 40 and above. However, those who have stomach disorders such as ulcers and gastritis should first receive treatment for this issue. Additionally, Stomach Botox is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding individuals.

How is Stomach Botox Done?

The first experiments on stomach botox were made in the early 2000s. Afterwards, the work was shelved for a long time due to difficulties in implementation. When other effects of the toxin used in B0t0ks application are noticed, stomach b0t0kwater The application started again. The application is basically based on the principle of pressing the stomach from two different directions. The benefits of the toxin are narrowing the exit door of the stomach to the intestines (or preventing its expansion) and suppressing the hormones that increase appetite. In order to obtain these benefits and lose weight quickly, the application should be performed by a specialist doctor as much as possible.

How is Stomach Botox Done?

The first experiments on stomach Botox were made in the early 2000s. Afterwards, the work was shelved for a long time due to difficulties in implementation. When other effects of the toxin used in B0t0ks application are noticed, Stomach Botox The application started again. The application is basically based on the principle of pressing the stomach from two different directions. The benefits of the toxin are narrowing the exit door of the stomach to the intestines (or preventing its expansion) and suppressing the hormones that increase appetite. In order to obtain these benefits and lose weight quickly, the application should be performed by a specialist doctor as much as possible. How is Stomach Botox done? We have compiled the answer to the question in items:

  • Not everyone is suitable for Gastric Botox application. A number of physical and psychological conditions are required. The most important condition is that the body mass index is thirty-two and a half and below. A broad spectrum examination is performed to check these conditions.
  • After it is determined that the patient is suitable for Gastric Botox, the operation day is determined. Since it is a simple application, it can be done on the same day as the examination.
  • The patient is put to sleep with sedation. Since the patient is asleep, he does not feel any pain or ache.
  • It is entered through the patient's mouth through endoscopy. The condition of the esophagus and stomach is checked. If there is any mass or wound, the operation is canceled. Signs of reflux and gastritis are also looked for. If the esophagus and stomach health are good, the patient is ready for the operation.
  • A special injection device is suspended from the endoscopy device.
  • First, an injection is made into the lower part of the stomach, that is, into the valve at the intestinal exit point. The main purpose here is to reduce the emptying rate of the stomach and maintain the feeling of fullness for a longer time.
  • After the injection in the lower part is completed, injection is made at some specific points in the middle region of the stomach.
  • Once the middle area is completed, an injection is made to the upper part of the stomach, where hormone mobility occurs. The purpose here is to suppress appetite.
  • Although it varies from patient to patient, toxin is injected into twenty-four areas on average.
  • The patient remains asleep for an hour, including the operation.
  • After waking up, he does not feel any pain, pain or nausea.
  • If he is available, he can go to work immediately, if not, he can go home immediately.

In general, the application procedure of botox is like this. Some doctors may develop the process differently. After discussing how to perform Stomach Botox, let's move on to the advantages of Stomach Botox.

What are the Advantages of Stomach Botox?

The history of Stomach Botox is quite new. The frequency of application is also relatively low. However, the simplicity of the application and the comfort of the subsequent process are rapidly increasing its popularity. Advantages of Stomach Botox can be listed as follows:

  • It is possible that mild pain, bruising and swelling may occur after the operation, but these are not at a level that will bother the patient.
  • Although the incisions heal by the end of the first week, it takes up to two months for the results to become clear.
  • As a result, fat removal with liposuction technique continues to develop continuously; It is a complicated operation that is complementary to other aesthetic operations in terms of its application method. Although the method applied may vary from patient to patient, it basically consists of variations of the classical liposuction technique.
  • The application can be done more than once without any problems.
  • The application does not take more than an hour.
  • There is no pain, ache or feeling of nausea during the application.
  • The patient can return to his social life immediately after the application.
  • If supported by sports exercises and diet, it can help you lose up to twenty to thirty percent of your current weight.
  • It's pretty stingy in terms of side effects. In other words, the side effects that may occur are very few and ineffective if applied by a good specialist physician.
  • It aims to lose weight in a healthy, regular and long-term manner.

After discussing the advantages of Stomach Botox, let's move on to nutrition after Stomach Botox.

How to Eat After Stomach Botox?

Patients who have stomach Botox should pay close attention to their nutrition. 2-3 hours after the procedure, nutrition should be started with liquid foods. After consuming liquid foods for the first three days, protein-rich foods should be consumed afterwards. Because while protein-rich foods remain in the stomach for 4 hours under normal conditions, it can take up to three times longer in people who have had b0t0ksu done. It accelerates the weight loss process because proteins are difficult to digest and have fat-burning properties. In addition, emphasis should be placed on vegetables along with consuming plenty of fluids.

Consuming sugary foods for individuals who have had stomach Botox will reduce the effect of the botox. For this reason, sugar and all sugary foods, all acidic and carbonated drinks, excessively fatty foods, and foods with high carbohydrate content should be avoided. Alcohol and cigarette use should be stopped completely.

What are the Examinations Performed Before Stomach Botox?

Before B0t0ks, some examinations should be performed in case there is any condition that may prevent the application. Gastritis or ulcer in the stomach, duodenal ulcer or other related disorders and b0t0x allergy prevent the application. The patient whose blood values will be checked should also be given a pregnancy test in case of a possible pregnancy.

What Should You Pay Attention to After Stomach Botox?

People who have stomach Botox can continue their daily lives without any difficulties. But there are some rules that must be followed. After the application, individuals must follow the nutrition plan given or recommended to them. Since alcohol and cigarette use will negatively affect the stomach muscles, it is necessary to quit these habits completely. Consuming fast food will reduce the effect of b0t0ksun and cause the application to not work. Therefore, nutrition is very important. A person's effort and diligence play a big role in the effects of b0t0k. Incorporating regular exercise into life will accelerate the weight loss process and help to achieve permanent results. When all these are applied, it is possible to lose 4-6 kilos at the desired rate.

What are the Side Effects of Stomach Botox?

After the application, people's feeling of hunger decreases within 2-3 days. This is already an expected and desired situation. After 2 weeks, excess weight begins to be lost and the process continues for approximately 6 months. Botox is not a permanent method. In other words, the effect of the substance applied to the stomach ends within 6 months. During this period, there will be no damage to the body by losing excess weight. Stomach Botox has no side effects or harm seen so far. However, this application is not a suitable method for those with muscular system disorders or allergies to Botox, and therefore should not be preferred for such patients.

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