Stomach Reduction

stomach reduction

Questions such as what is stomach reduction, how is stomach reduction surgery performed, what are its advantages and disadvantages? Obesity is a rapidly increasing health problem all over the world. Obesity has become quite common due to reasons such as increased fast food consumption, malnutrition and inactivity. If individuals with obesity cannot lose weight despite diet and exercise practices stomach reduction They can apply for applications. With evolution of technology Stomach reduction surgery The number of people applying for the application is increasing day by day.

What is Gastric Reduction?

What is stomach reduction? sorusunun cevabına değinecek olursak obez sorunu yaşanyan insanların en çok tercih ettiği mide küçültme ameliyatı kapalı ameliyat yöntemiyle midenin %80 gibi bir kısmının kesilip çıkarılmasıdır. Bunun sonucunda ise midenin gıda alımı azalamakta ve kişi obezite sorunundan kurtulmakta.

What are the Stomach Reduction Methods?

Applied by obesity surgeon stomach reduction These methods aim to enable the patient to live a healthy and quality life by ensuring weight control. Many methods can be applied to prevent other diseases caused by obesity. The treatment method is first planned according to the patient's general health condition and degree of obesity, and then according to the patient's preference among the remaining options. Treatment practices, including surgery, in obesity surgery are given below:

  • Gastric Bypass Surgery
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery
  • Gastric Balloon
  • Stomach Botox 
  • Gastric Clamp

Gastric Bypass Surgery: In gastric bypass surgery, which is usually performed as a closed surgery, a small stomach is created inside the stomach and food is allowed to pass through it. The remaining part continues enzyme production.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Laparoskopik (kapalı ameliyat) olarak gerçekleştirilen bu operasyonda mide ince uzun bir tüp haline getirilerek %80’i çıkarılır. Kalan kısım ise yemek borusundan bağırsaklara uzanan bir sisteme dönüştürülür. 

Gastric Balloon: It is a non-surgical method. The volume of the stomach is reduced thanks to a liquid-filled balloon placed in the stomach endoscopically.

Stomach Botox: It is an endoscopic application. Botox substance is injected into the stomach muscles and reduces the frequency of contractions. In this way, the emptying time of the stomach is prolonged and the feeling of hunger is delayed.

Gastric Clamp: In the procedure performed laparoscopically, a balloon is placed at the entrance of the stomach with a silicone material clamp just below it. In this way, the food taken into the stomach passes more slowly and in a longer time, ensuring the feeling of fullness lasts longer.

Who Can Have Stomach Reduction Surgery?

People who are over the age of 18 and can handle the anesthesia can choose the operations suitable for them according to their body mass index. Here, the patient's degree of obesity is the determining factor. For example, while surgical interventions are more effective in patients with a body mass index of 40 and above, non-surgical methods can be preferred in patients with a body mass index of less than 40.

What are the Preparations Made Before Gastric Reduction Operations?

Whether it is a surgical intervention or a non-surgical operation, there are definitely some preparations beforehand. These preparations may of course vary depending on the type of operation to be performed. If explained in general terms, in the first stage, an evaluation is made by the anesthesiologist. The possible risks of anesthesia are investigated, as well as the presence of a condition in the patient's general health that may prevent it. Then, units such as cardiology, chest diseases and internal medicine examine the patient. Following a comprehensive blood test, the condition of the esophagus, stomach and intestines is examined depending on the operation to be performed. 

If the patient does not have any obstacle to the operation as a result of the preliminary evaluation, he/she is asked to stop some medications before the procedure. These are blood thinners and aspirin type drugs. A special nutrition program is followed during the time period recommended by the physician before the surgery. In this way, patients are prepared for the procedure to be performed. 

What Risks Are There in Gastric Reduction Operations?

There are some risks in surgical or non-surgical procedures, depending on the operation performed. There is a possibility of illnesses such as infection, bleeding, blood clotting, anesthesia-related reactions, respiratory distress, malnutrition after the operation, hypoglycemia, cracks and sagging of the skin due to weight loss, and intestinal obstruction. 

Discharge Process After Gastric Reduction

Depending on the procedure performed, the patient's health status is monitored. If the patient's health condition is as expected, he or she will be discharged within 1-5 days, depending on the operation performed. The discharged patient is required to comply with the doctor's recommendations and the nutrition plan given by the dietician. If the patient experiences discomfort after the procedure or has complaints such as persistent hiccups, redness or swelling, he or she should consult a physician without delay.

Pregnancy After Gastric Reduction

stomach reduction After the surgery, a weight loss process takes place between 6 months and 2 years, depending on the patient's excess weight. This process should proceed under the supervision of a doctor and within the given diet. If the doctor's approval is given according to the person's health condition, there is no harm in pregnancy.

Physical Activity After Gastric Reduction

After the procedure, all kinds of heavy physical activities should be strictly avoided for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, activities such as light walking, swimming and pilates may be preferred for 2-3 months. 

Advantages of Stomach Reduction 

In the long term, the desired weight loss is achieved permanently.

The intestinal and stomach systems come into order. 

Hormones return to normal. 

With loss of appetite, the feeling of fullness is prolonged.

A balanced and healthy diet is adopted.

Other diseases that may occur due to obesity are prevented.

Disadvantages of Stomach Reduction 

There may be some side effects after the operation.

Mineral, vitamin and protein loss may occur.

Sagging skin may develop due to weight loss.

Tissue taken due to surgery, etc. It cannot be fulfilled.

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